Travels with Larry (Gran) and Beverly (Bibi) as they travel the highways and byways of the US in their RV.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Waking up from a long winter's nap

After our last battle with fire ants and the yellow jackets, I wanted some cold weather to help eradicate the problem.  Shortly afterwards, the problem dissipated and we did not have to wait on cold weather.  It is now cold (32 degrees and colder) from time to time with snow falling today as I type this blog update.  We were supposed to be in Phoenix, AZ last Sunday (55 degrees plus and the sun shining) but God had other plans.

Our traveling companions had a small interruption to normal health.  This interruption took the form of major surgery for heart bypass.  Now we are undergoing physical therapy and education to improve overall health and restore strength lost from the surgery.  When the surgery came up, we decided to create alternative plans for the next adventure.  More on those plans later.  The great news in all this is there are some bonuses from finding the health problem.  A by-product of the surgery was the chance to correct another condition that has been around since the teenage years.  God is good and his timing is perfect.  David says number one thing he has learned from this experience is to know your own body and listen to it when it is telling you something is not right.  Good advice for all of us!  He is doing great and ready to get started adventuring again.

We have taken the extra time to make a few repairs and perform some cleaning and maintenance.  It is good to get out of the house and exercise my muscles after a long winter’s nap.  But that first week is a killer with all the soreness and whining about hurting that comes with each move.  We are now ready to make our next move.  Speaking of which will be to the Hill Country of Texas this spring to track down some fields of wildflowers.  We are looking forward to this shorter and closer to the home base as a test of our new plumbing fixes for the heart.  We will put Arizona and the canyon tour back in the bucket for the time being.

People make fun of me all the time for putting more into the bucket than taking out of the bucket.  I realize there will not be enough time to completely empty the bucket but that does not deter me from doing the best I can to experience what I can with what time I have available.  The only thing slows me down is energy and health.  I am blessed to have a pretty good supply of both for the time being and will keep pressing until I need a rest break or cannot go any further.  Retirement is not boring for me and will not be for the foreseeable future.  One of these days, I will make my way to Disney World to work.

God’s intervention kept us here for the beautiful display he is providing in the form of snow falling.  It has blanketed everything (see pictures) and is spectacular.  I am thankful we got to see and experience this today.  It reminded me of my first trip to Colorado during winter.  When we arrived it snowed this hard all day and all night long.  We woke up to 18 to 24 inches of fresh snow on the ground the next day.  I had never seen that much snow before in my life and it was as dry as powder.  I love the quietness and beauty the snow provides.  It smooths out the sharp edges, covers imperfections and relaxes the spirit.  Sounds like what Jesus does for the believer.  It is truly a spiritual experience today.
Bibi says it is cold but beautiful out here!

Accumulating everywhere, even on the fence.

Covers the trees, the houses and the yards

Lovely, quiet and peaceful
More from the Hill Country of Texas in a later post.

Adventures in our Adventurer