Travels with Larry (Gran) and Beverly (Bibi) as they travel the highways and byways of the US in their RV.

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Branson Adventures

The weather in Branson has been super nice.  Like many areas of the country, the temperatures have been unseasonably warm.  That is until the weekend before Thanksgiving Day.  The first freeze of the season blew in and I mean literally blew in.  Wind gusts up to 45 MPH in the area stripped our little yellow tree of most of its leaves.  We even took the flag down because of the strong winds.  Now it really feels like Christmas, temperature wise.
Here's our little yellow tree; pre-leaf stripping winds
One of the shows we saw was ‘Moses’ at the Sound and Sight Theatre.  It was amazing in more ways than one.  First of all the story line is amazing because of God’s love and redemptive works for His people and I am not only talking about the children of Abraham but about all peoples.  Secondly the effects and live animals used during the performance brought the story to life right in front of our eyes.  We have seen numerous Broadway plays but this exceeded even the best of those.  Highly recommend a visit when you are in the area.  Watching the waters part is just one aspect of a spectacular production.
Outside Sound and Sight Theatre in front of Lamb and Lion Statue
We also made a trek to Silver Dollar City.  We love this place at Christmas time.  It really puts you into the spirit of the season.  We saw a live production of "A Christmas Carol" and ‘It’s A Wonderful Life” plus listened to some mighty fine Cajun music by Cedric Benoit and the Cajun Connection.  At the end of the day, we watched the Christmas parade wind its way through the park and finished the day with a cup of hot chocolate watching a performance of the giant Christmas tree flashing its lights to music.  You can see a piece of the performance in the clip below.  Yep, a mighty fine day I would say!

Tree Performance at Silver Dollar City: Make sure your computer speakers are on.

This cold weekend we met up with our close friends from Longview, Rick and Janet.  We spent the day together.  We set out to a place called ‘Top of The Rock.’  After eating a fine lunch and letting the sun warm the air a few more degrees, we rented golf carts to drive on the trail to view some very picturesque Ozark scenery.  It was a blast, fun and cold wise both at the same time.  Along the way we found some really beautiful waterfalls and spectacular views.  This is a must do too.
Pathway and waterfall inside a cave

Hang on Janet, Rick is about to do a wheelie!
Scenery outside the cave

..and more waterfall, they were beautiful and peaceful
Later at night we drove through the Trail of Lights at the Shepherd of the Hills location.  Then we took a ride up to the top of the Observation Tower to view the lights surrounding the area at the end of the drive.  Afterwards we headed to Branson Landing downtown to grab a quick bite to eat and watch the dancing water fountains with the choreographed water, lights and fire set to Christmas music to top off a wonderful day.  It was a day we spent catching up with each others’ lives and reminiscing about past trips and events we have shared.  A very nice, relaxing way to have fun and visit with our friends.
Dancing waters, lights, fire and music at Branson Landing
A trip to Branson is not complete unless you drive towards Springfield to visit Lambert’s Café, the home of ‘throwed rolls.’  You better plan on not eating before you go so you can hold more of their wonderful home cooked food.  When you order an entrée, they allow you to choose two sides then during the meal they come around with what they call ‘pass-arounds.’  These dishes are more vegetables such as fried okra, blackeyed peas, fried potato and onions, mac and tomatoes; all the time enjoying the fresh hot homemade rolls that constantly come through the dining area.  If you need a roll you just hold up your hand and they will ‘throw’ or ‘toss,’ depending upon how far away they are from you, a roll in your direction.  Your job is then to catch and eat that roll.  We had so much food that we ended up making five meals off the one purchase made that day.
This is just the meal, pass-arounds are coming!
Previously, I have never made it to Springfield to see the Granddaddy of Bass Pro Shops.  It is the very first one and located right in Springfield.  This is one of the ultimate guy toy stores to visit.  There are plenty of things for the ladies and kids too.  Don’t kid yourself if you think you can walk in and spend several hours perusing the merchandise and not find something you ‘need’.  You will definitely find it and purchase it.

Speaking of eating, we stopped at Mel’s Hard Luck Diner located right on 76 in Branson.  This is a unique place where the waiters and waitresses sing.  They have to try out before they are hired and then when hired they wait tables and take turns singing for the patrons.  The diner reminds one of the 50s style diners and the food is terrific.  This is another stop on a repeat visit to Branson as far as I am concerned.

Our next show was SIX.  This group is an acapella group made up of six brothers.  Actually there are ten total brothers and the explanation is that mom and dad wanted a daughter but never got one so they just kept on trying, hence ten sons.  In listening to them you would think there is a huge band accompanying them but it is only their voices.  One is almost exclusively doing drumming sounds but even he sings and has a beautiful voice.  They are very entertaining, funny and delightful to listen to their rendition of songs.

Thanksgiving Day is a special day to give thanks.  We, even though away from family, had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day experience at the campground.  About 17 years ago the owners of ABC started this tradition that has grown over the years of providing smoked turkey, dressing, gravy and mashed potatoes for those who attend.  Everyone else brings their favorite sides and desserts to share as a potluck at the dinner.  As you can see from the photos, there was a 24’ table of desserts and a 30’ table of food to choose from.  It was great fun to share a Thanksgiving meal with 150 plus other folks from various walks of life.

Bibi's contribution was corn and banana pudding.  The banana pudding recipe makes a lot of pudding and even if you cut it in half it is too much for the two of us.  So we thought this was a way to share and get a little pudding for ourselves.  So she made it and kept a little (very little) in a separate bowl for us in case there was not any left or we did not manage to get some at the feast.  To our surprise we had a little left (about the same amount as we had previously kept out) to take home.  That was the perfect amount for us to enjoy and not be inundated with an overwhelming amount to eat or throw out.  ...And as usual it was DELICIOUS!
The serving line is formed
Here are the food selections and lines
..and the all important desserts
Prior to the meal, the owners had everyone register for free show tickets.  During the meal, they would draw names and call out names with their site number to come pick up a free show tickets for 2 adults.  Each person that was called had to take the microphone and say one thing they were thankful for before choosing their show tickets.  As it ended up, everyone there received show tickets and shared what they are thankful for that day.

We met and sat with a couple that has been showing up for this event for 15 years.  They live in Texas just on the south side of Dallas around their children with a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.  We had a very nice time visiting and sharing experiences with them during the meal and were fortunate to hook up with folks that knew the ropes and could tell us how things worked and what was going on.  The smoked turkey was definitely the hit of the meal and was some of the best we have ever eaten and the tryptophan from the turkey worked its magic and provided a nice nap afterwards.

We will post another update soon.  We must head back to Texas for some doctor appointments soon.  We will meet with family for ‘Thanksmas’ or as my son-in-law alternatively labeled it ‘Chrisgiving’ before heading out of state once again.  Until then be safe and here are a few more Silver Dollar City images to enjoy.

Monday, November 14, 2016

On the Road Again.....

We are on the road again!  After a few months of getting a house ready to put on the market, we have finally got it listed.  This frees us up to start adventuring again.  Our first stop is Branson, Missouri.  We have been here several times before but it was during our work life and we always hit the ground running trying to cram in as much as we could in the short 3 or 4 day stay on each trip.  Not this time.  We are spending the month of November and taking it slow and easy the whole time.

We had hoped to catch a glimpse of magnificent Fall’s seasonal color but it is not to be.  Evidently it has been too dry, too warm for so long or a combination of the two.  It appears the trees went from green to basic brown without any stops in between.  But that is okay, we have a beautiful little tree right beside us at our campground.  By itself it is supplying us with the most beautiful vibrant yellow display.

We love staying at America’s Best Campground.  It is family owned and close to all the action Branson provides.  There is a Thanksgiving meal planned at the campground.  The owners provide smoked turkey, dressing, gravy and potatoes with campground residents bringing additional dishes to share and add to the feast.  We are looking forward to the experience and will provide more information later.  

We also love Branson in November.  They have a wonderful Veteran’s week of parade and events as well as the shows are all Christmas themed during the month.  It is easy to get into Christmas season with all the beautiful lights, shows, songs and colder temperatures.  We even have a freeze warning for the area tonight.  

Our first show was Neal McCoy, our hometown guy, performing in Branson for a couple of days.  If you have not had the opportunity to see his live performance, you should find one to attend.  You will not be disappointed.  Also find him on Facebook.  He says the Pledge of Allegiance each and every morning.  Well worth your time to find him and participate with this super patriotic guy to say the pledge every day.
Ready for Veterans' Day now
Later in the week we attended the Veterans’ Day parade.  It was great and so heartwarming to see the love, affection, appreciation and warm greetings provided during this event.  Branson does a super job of hosting and supporting our veterans.  Having grown up during the Vietnam era, it is so great to see the Vietnam vets get the welcome home and appreciation they did not receive when they came back originally.  So many of them did not come back and even those who did return did not receive the proper respect due them.  It is supremely touching to see them getting that respect now.
Even the dogs are interested and attending today!

Here Come the Mustangs the '57 Chevys
..and the Corvettes!
Here is a WWII Vet - that is a picture of him receiving a medal!
Finally a salute to those who did not return.
There were plenty of local bands, ROTC and others in the parade.  These pictures just give a flavor of the type of tribute and celebration.  We were standing by a family and in particular a cute little girl.  A lot of the parade participants were passing/throwing out candies for the little ones.  This little girl was a candy magnet.  By the time the parade was over with she had a WalMart sack completely full of candies.  She will be on a sugar high for weeks.  Until next time, stay safe. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

More Hot Air or the Truth? You Decide.

It is funny how you can have adventures and things to report and not be on the move or even anywhere near them.  Now come and listen to my story about a man named Jed who was shooting at some food.  Well not really about Jed; but about the food that got away that day.

Our traveling friends have spent the summer in Oklahoma as National Park Service volunteers.  While doing this they have been living out, in and amongst nature.  The story starts here but really began with the ‘food’ that got away so long ago.  You see, I am convinced that food was a squirrel.  Not any squirrel but a special squirrel.

As Sophie recounts the experience, she and David were leaving the RV one morning when all of a sudden this snake and squirrel dropped from a tree branch and landed between them and the car.  As she puts it, “they were all balled up together.”  Now for those of you not familiar with this colloquialism, that means they are severely entangled and tussling to see who would predominate the current situation and ultimately prevail.

When the two creatures bounced off the ground as a result from leaving the tree branch all balled up, they temporarily separated and the squirrel headed north as fast as he could go.  As far as I am concerned that is the second known ‘escape’ from death that we know of.  For all we know this could be a daily occurrence for this wily wascal.

You see this squirrel was involved in another incident; the location further north in Wisconsin.  As the picture shows below, this time should have been the end of his time on earth.

Photo by Michael Cheshire
As clearly evident, the squirrel once again cheated death and survived.  This squirrel is obviously powerful and intelligent.  So a warning to all, wide and far, this particular squirrel is dangerous and destructive.  Let’s just hope that he does not return to Oklahoma and gets ‘all balled up’ with another snake and falls on Sophie and David’s RV.  The RV could be a total loss from such an encounter.

Until next time, keep a sharp eye out and safe travels.  He is out there somewhere and watching YOU!

...and I am watching you.  Hee Hee Hee

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hot Air in Texas?

There is more hot air in Texas.  After all it is July and August!  Instead of high temperatures in mid-90s we are now experiencing highs in triple digits and I will not even mention the heat index temperatures.  What would you expect from summer in Texas?

There are many types of ‘hot air’ in Texas as we have determined from our stay here this time.  You are well aware that Texans are a proud bunch when it comes to their heritage and culture.  You probably have experienced it yourself if not a native Texan when you come across someone spouting ‘facts’ that prove everything is ‘bigger and better’ in Texas.  Of course, a Texan (myself included) will tell you this is not braggadocio, it is merely the facts.  That’s right, ‘just the facts Ma’am.'

But boasting about state pride is not the only ‘hot air’ in Texas or from Texans.  There is much ‘hot air’ from spinning yarns or telling tall tales.  This is another favorite (pronounced fave—O—riiiiiite) pastime of true Texas folk.  As many of you will attest, yours truly enjoys this avocation as much as the next feller.  However, many of you will recognize that even in my tall tales there is a strong element of truth and a little bit of embellishment.  Some would say it is exaggeration or downright unbelievable the things included in some of my stories but that is certainly not the case.  Okay, okay maybe a bit of enhancement here and there to make things more interesting but certainly no dishonesty.

But that is enough about me and my ‘hot air.’  I want to relate another grand adventure to you about some ‘hot air’ we have just enjoyed while in Texas.  It all started several years ago when visiting the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  While attending the Fiesta, we were walking through the grounds just prior to the ‘balloon glow’ and were recruited by a balloon pilot to help out because his crew could not get through the traffic in time to help inflate his balloon.  This was our introduction to ‘crewing’ for a balloon and we enjoyed the experience so much, we added it as one of the items in our bucket list.

Now, fast forward to today and the Great Texas Balloon Race held as an annual event each year in Longview, Texas.  Bibi saw on Facebook they were still in need of volunteers to help ‘crew’ for some of the balloons coming to the race this year.  She called and we were assigned to a pilot and crew chief from Albuquerque.  Even though we had ‘planned’ on crewing in Albuquerque, this was the next best thing and as it turned out the absolute best scenario we could have hoped for as our first ‘real’ experience in hot air ballooning.

We made our way to pick up our T-shirts, badges and parking passes identifying us a ‘Crew’ for the Great Texas Balloon Race on Wednesday afternoon.  The next morning at 6 AM we show up for a practice flight before the actual races begin on Friday morning.  We were glad for a chance to learn and practice before the ‘real’ thing took place.  Our balloon pilot had just returned from a trip to Lithuania where he helped a fellow pilot and friend in a World Championship race.

The friend’s name is Cheri (pronounced sherry), our pilot’s name is Mark.  Together they are the International Gas Balloon Team representing the U.S. in events all over the world.  In Lithuania, Cheri placed third in the women’s division for the World Championship.  Yes, third in the entire world!  Mark is a U.S. National Gas Balloon Champion.  Together they have many distinguished honors and championships.  We were honored and extremely pleased to be put with them our very first day.  Cheri and Mark both flew in the balloon the first day (the practice day) and then they each had their own balloons they flew during the three day event.  You can read more about them at and follow them on the Facebook page at Flygas (it is the one with the red balloon type logo).  They will be one of the USA teams flying in Germany during September.

We crewed for Mark during the Great Texas Balloon Race.  Mark had with him Danny from Albuquerque as his crew chief.  Danny has worked as one of the ‘zebras’ during the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta for over 20 years.  What is a ‘zebra’ you ask, well they are a group of dedicated folks who help coordinate and launch the balloons during the Fiesta.  They are focused on safety, organization and speed as they go about dressed in referee shirts (you know, the black and white striped shirts, hence 'zebra') and some wear fun, crazy type headgear.  It is a show, in and of itself, to watch these professionals get wave after wave of balloons launched into the air safely.  All three, Cheri, Mark and Danny were great to be around and so patient to explain, demonstrate and teach specific tasks to a couple of rookies.  We could not have picked a better bunch of folks than these to work with and that is not a tall tale.

We were amazed to learn how much technology is used in flying these craft.  You don’t just air them up and take off to wherever the wind blows you.  There is skill involved with choosing the right altitudes to catch the correct direction and speed.  Not to mention when to leave and how fast to leave that compass and altitude setting for a new one.  The races involve tasks and targets that use skill, experience and the constantly changing weather environment to proceed to a target area while performing specific tasks.  The whole purpose of which is to gain the most points possible during each segment of the flight.  Technology aids such as mapping software with built-in altimeter, wind speed, direction and GPS coordinates aid the pilots in accomplishing their goals.

The purpose of the crew is to quickly unpack the balloon, attach it to the basket, air up the balloon envelope, assist the pilot with anything needed and help to safely launch the craft.  Once launched, you then follow (chase, literally in some cases) the balloon in case of an emergency or to assist at different target zones and ultimately recover the craft at the landing zone (which is unknown until the last minute).  Once the pilot has the craft down, the envelope is deflated, detached from the basket and all packed up until the next flight.  A lot of things happen fast (especially in the beginning of the flight) and then settle down to a slower pace once the balloon and pilot are safely back on the ground.
Receiving instructions.  Danny on left, me and Mark on right.
Heating the air, Mark is in the basket.
Ready to fly.  Cheri in 45 and Mark in 44.
She is off.
Last minute adjustment.
He is off too.
Up, up and away!
That is number 44 with the white band in the middle.
Lining up for the approach to a target.
Landed and now to pack everything back up.
Candlestick firing without balloon at end of National Anthem!
Balloon Glow with all burn, from beside number 44.
Danny, Mark, Larry and Beverly
Thanks Danny and Mark for making us feel
so much a part of the team!
The whole experience for us was wonderfully exhilarating and quite exciting.  We highly recommend going to balloon races and even participating as a crew member when you can do so.  It is quite the ‘hot air’ and worthwhile experience.  We will definitely do it again and hopefully with Mark and Danny.  Just like RVers, the ballooning folks are great fun to be with and have a good time too.  Thanks Cheri, Mark and Danny.  You are the ‘greatest’ in our book and that is not a bunch of ‘hot air.' 

Here is one last item of ‘hot air’ from Texas.
Gotta love it!
Can you believe how much ‘hot air’ there is in Texas?  Until next time, have safe travels and good health to you.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Back in Texas

Yes, it is hot in Texas.  High temperatures in mid-90s with heat indexes of 103 to 108 create suffocating conditions.  This is our third attempt to get out of the heat of Texas in the summertime and have not been successful yet.  Maybe next year?

Even though we cannot leave yet, we have found some interesting things to share.  This morning, one of our neighbors from the RV Park pulled out.  When we first arrived, we wondered why someone from South Dakota was in Texas this time of year.  We found out they were customizing the truck they use to haul their fifth wheel at a local establishment and were waiting for the finished product.

Today they took off for Memphis, TN.  This is one of the largest fifth wheels we have seen in our travels.  They use a smart car for running errands around town and then a large truck tractor to haul everything down the road.  That is the smart car behind the cab of the truck and in-between the truck and the fifth wheel.  Quite an arrangement is it not?  David says I am jealous of that air horn.  And I am!

Just goes to show you, there are things to see everywhere you go, even in good ol’ hot Texas.  But that is not the only thing happening right now.

We have used the time here to get all of our Doctor visits caught up.  So we are good for awhile now.  Speaking of doctors, I had to tell my physician that I took up for his honesty and integrity on our latest adventure.

It happened one day when temps in Camp Verde were going to exceed 100 degrees.  We decided to cool off by traveling north one hour to Flagstaff where high temps were expected to only be upper 80s.  While there, we decided to look for this squirrel my doctor told me about when he found out we were going to visit the Grand Canyon.  According to him, this squirrel is in the Kaibab National Forest and is named the Kaibab squirrel.  At the time that is all I knew.  So off we drove westward from Flagstaff in search of the Kaibab squirrel that day.

By the end of the 2 hour long search, which proved futile, my traveling crew was trying to convince me the doc was pulling my leg and there he was laughing about the prank he pulled on me.  Of course, I gallantly stood my ground defending his honor, but inside the doubt was creeping into my spirit.  For you see, he does love a practical joke.  I just could not bring myself to believe he would do that to me; one of his most loyal, long-time patients and up to that time, I considered myself a friend too.

The story does have a happy ending.  A few weeks later we were camped in the Kaibab National Forest next to Lake Kaibab eating dinner outside.  When all of a sudden, David peering past me, says “hey look, there goes a rabbit.”  Turning around, I see a Kaibab squirrel!  Eureka, they do exist!  As you can tell in the picture below, they are a rabbit wannabee with their long tufted ears.  And if you could see the underside of the tail, you would see it is almost snow white.

Closer View
At my appointment last week, I related the above story to my physician.  He smiled and let me in on a terrible family secret.  His wife about 9 years earlier was the only one in their family to actually see a Kaibab squirrel and had suffered mercilessly (supposedly from the kids) because no one else saw the squirrel and kept mocking her claim to have seen one.  He assures me he will pass along the sighting to his wife in order to vindicate her claim.

That’s not all the hot air to tell about but the rest will just have to wait until the next post.

Adventures in our Adventurer